Ever wonder what effect all of Anandtech's reviews have on the stock market? What happens if anand decides to totally blast a new product like the Cyrix III (which admittedly seems to blow major goats.) So many people read his reviews that nobody would buy an item that got a bad review. Wouldn't that cause the company's stock to plummet, and then the stock market, and then the whole world!!! OMG!!! Same w/ other sites like toms hardware...
It's a big conspiracy for them to take over the world! They get rich, cause the stock market to crash, cause the entire world to go into a recession, and then become ruthless dictators!!!
Just some thoughts I had.
It's a big conspiracy for them to take over the world! They get rich, cause the stock market to crash, cause the entire world to go into a recession, and then become ruthless dictators!!!
Just some thoughts I had.