Well, it is kind of an unusual question, but after the missle attack thing (thread), we can be almost absolutely certain that Hamas and co. will be sending wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel tomorrow. My poll's question is simple: how many attacks?
At 12:00 AM EST Thursday, cookies will be given to those who post the closest guesses to the actual number of SUCCESSFUL suicide attacks. Would-be martyrs who get blown up at the border don't count.
Anonymous guessing via the poll is also possible, but what would be the point?
NOTE: To make it clear, I support neither Israel or the Palestinians. I'm just sitting back and watching as they both blow eachother (and themselves) up. Also, my guess is 3.
At 12:00 AM EST Thursday, cookies will be given to those who post the closest guesses to the actual number of SUCCESSFUL suicide attacks. Would-be martyrs who get blown up at the border don't count.
Anonymous guessing via the poll is also possible, but what would be the point?
NOTE: To make it clear, I support neither Israel or the Palestinians. I'm just sitting back and watching as they both blow eachother (and themselves) up. Also, my guess is 3.