Politika Hardwarus - Is the Media controlling the way people think?


Oct 14, 1999
I went to work today and heard alot of conversations about the debate last night. Overwhelmingly the mood was pro-Bush. A few people said they thought Gore did better, but weren't able to watch the whole thing.

I thought in a unionized office that more people would be pro-Gore. After all Gore is the uncontested demagogue of this nation's union membership, and should be considering he's the Democratic candidate. The general mood in this office is that people are sick of President Clinton and that Gore is more of the same.

This morning all the morning shows talked about how well Gore did. At midday the news channels again testified how well Gore did. It was almost to the point where the media was campaigning against Bush. Tonight I switched through the channels only to hear how newsgroup after newsgroup picked Gore as the winner. Last night poll after poll picked Bush.

In my opinion the debate wasn't friendly to the Gore campaign. The Vice President just isn't a very strong debater, nor does he do well at keeping facts straight. (Notes how he attempted to cite several people in the debate that either didn't exist or he did not know them personally at all.) I personally thought Gore came unravelled and as the debate went on he looked more and more the lesser candidate.

Can people see such wildly different angles on the same event, or do people simply listen to the boob-tube too much?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I work in the media at a newspaper. The only place you will find someone with at least two brain cells to rub together is in the production and maintenance depts. Editorial people know less about more different subjects than any other group you can name. Journalists are the bunch of students that filtered down through the socialist indoctrination center that is the typical college campus and fell out the bottom of the barrel. They are paid next to nothing and that is about all they are worth. Have you ever had personal knowledgs of an occurrance that appeared in the media that even remotely resembled what actually happened? Journalists have less credibility than lawyers or used car salemen. Your experience does not surprise me in the least.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
I agree...media bias is in large part due to the liberal bias of college journalism programs. I didn't see the debate but it would not surprise me if the media is giving a slant to who "won."


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
bush really didnt talk about much other than 'well Im a good guy who is into that whole 'family' thing'. On the issues he is an idiot and I damn well hope he doesnt win. Of course gore isnt exactly the best either but since bush has such a horrible record (why is texas in the low 40s in almost every ranking there is????) I dont want him in office. Damn I wish Nader was in office, at least he has proved time and time again that he actually cares about people.


Oct 14, 1999
Isn't Nader that guy that looks dead?
Last time I heard him speak it put me to sleep.

Gore and Bush are both riding the coattails of
their ultra-successful fathers. I want to see the
kids of the two men to see how well they keep their
own house in order before I make my choice to vote
on either one or not. I'll still vote, just not
necessarily for either one. My local elections make
more of a difference to me than the president.

My observation here just points at the media being so
contradictory to the reality of the other night.