Police Abuse of Power Affects Everyone


Senior member
Dec 2, 2007

  • An Atlanta attorney is free on a $10,000 signature bond after police charged her with false imprisonment of city police detectives who came to her house while investigating an alleged property crime.
  • Atlanta police charged Lindsey Brunswick Kamin, a real estate lawyer whose Georgia bar license is inactive but in good standing, in connection with a May 9 incident at her north Atlanta home. Kamin turned herself in to the Fulton County Jail earlier this week. She posted bond and was released Tuesday. A police spokesman said they secured the warrant June 4.
  • Police also charged Jykiya Powell, a member of Kamin’s neighborhood private security patrol, with false imprisonment and obstruction of a police officer.
  • The charges stem from what Atlanta police claim was Kamin’s refusal to open a security gate between her property and the street, blocking the two detectives from driving off her property after Kamin told them to leave. When Powell arrived, she allegedly used her vehicle to block the officers’ unmarked car.
  • Police supervisors summoned by the detectives quickly decided that the closed gate constituted false imprisonment, according to a body cam recording of the police supervisor who arrested Powell.
  • Police secured the warrants even though both Powell and Kamin, who spoke to officers from behind the gate on May 9, told officers that Kamin had become alarmed that the two people who appeared at her door claiming to be detectives weren’t really police.
  • Kamin said she was so alarmed she called 911 and the neighborhood security patrol.
  • Powell also told as many as six police officers summoned to Kamin’s home that Kamin became alarmed the detectives were impostors and that, “Somebody already robbed her house.” The police video depicts officers grabbing and cuffing her as she protested, “You can’t arrest me. She’s coming out. … I am only doing my job.”
  • Kamin, who was recorded coming out of her house and talking through her gate to responding officers—some in uniform and some in T-shirts, polo shirts with the city police insignia, and jeans—repeatedly told them, “We were scared, scared to death.”
  • Kamin described the female detective as “belligerent’ when the duo knocked on her door. “It was her manner; it was her demeanor,” Kamin told police officers clustered at the gate. “She didn’t seem legitimate. You have to understand. My children are all home. We’ve had problems before.”
  • Officers were seemingly unsympathetic. While police were waiting outside the gate for Kamin after arresting Powell, one officer could be heard saying, “Another damn paradise, ain’t it? Rich folks thinking they can do whatever they want.”
  • Detectives were investigating whether a white Silverado pickup that had been spotted doing doughnuts on neighbors’ lawns at night in Tuxedo Park where Kamin lives belonged to a resident at her address, according to the police report. The report said the truck tag was traced to the Kamins’ Tuxedo Road address.
  • Detectives said they stopped at the gate, identified themselves as Atlanta police, and the gate opened. Their report said they were met at the front of the house by a woman later identified as Kamin.
  • But when the detectives began to question her about who she was and whether she owned a pickup, she told them she did not own a truck. She then asked them to leave.
  • Detectives said they asked her to open the gate, which had closed behind them. According to the report, the woman refused until she could verify they were police through “her security team.”
  • The detectives claimed they again ordered the woman to open the gate or she would be charged with a crime, and then called for a police supervisor.
  • The detectives said they were detained five to seven minutes until a neighborhood security officer arrived and blocked the Kamins’ driveway with her car.
  • That security officer was Powell. Detectives said they identified themselves as Atlanta police and repeatedly ordered her to move her vehicle. Powell, according to the report, refused and locked her car door and raised her windows. She later told an Atlanta police supervisor who arrived that her own supervisor told her not to let the detectives leave.
  • Kamin’s lawyer, Noah Pines, told the Daily Report on Thursday that neither Kamin nor any member of her family owns a vehicle like the Silverado pickup the detectives were looking for, and none of the Kamin children are old enough to drive. No pickup was impounded at the Kamin residence, according to Pines and the police report.
  • He said that Kamin initially allowed detectives onto the premises because she assumed they were police investigating a burglary that had occurred at the residence in December.
  • “She didn’t think twice about it,” he said.
  • But Pines said the casual dress of the police officers, and the unmarked car with faded marking and no government-issue tag made her wary. When Kamin was asked to identify herself and her address, Pines said Kamin became alarmed and told them to leave. Then she called neighborhood security, 911, and her husband.
  • Pines said Kamin never locked the officers inside her property since the gate opens automatically from the inside. If it remained closed, it was only because the detectives didn’t drive up close enough for it to open—something he said they eventually did, but only after Powell arrived and stopped on the other side.
  • “Even if everything in the police report is true, which it’s not,” he said, “That’s not false imprisonment.”
  • Pines sent the Daily Report a photo of the detectives’ vehicle departing as the gate opened—one that he said was also provided to Atlanta police after they issued a warrant for Kamin’s arrest. Kamin, he said, “regrets any misunderstanding that occurred in this incident.”
  • “But the claim that she committed the offense of false imprisonment and/or obstruction of a police officer is both factually and legally inaccurate,” he said. “How can one falsely imprison another ‘by keeping investigators detained behind her gated driveway’ as alleged in the warrant when 1) the gate opens automatically, and 2) the investigators had the ability to leave the property?”

    • Kamin, he added, “is a responsible citizen who was at her residence, minding her business and taking care of her children, when she legitimately believed that the two people at her residence were impersonating police officers. She did exactly what the police tell you to do in such a situation, get away and call for help.”

Fucking power trip and waste of the taxpayers’ time. (Something broke with formatting)


Dec 11, 2006
Leave it to the jackboots to charge a person with a crime because they are too dumb to figure out an automatic gate which is the way virtually all electronic gates work since they are meant to keep people out not in.