This question may seem so simple or just unessicary..... But after working on your PC, then pluggin everything back in, which things should be plugged in first, and last? I'm having problems with my PC when I plug the power cable into the PSU, it never boots up right after that. When I work on my PC I unplug everything (starting with power cable) and move it onto my table so I have a nice work area. But then when I'm done I put it back where it usually goes and plug everything else in starting with the speakers, then monitor cable, ect, ect, and the last thing will be the power cable. And when I plug in the power cable into the power supply I hear a little sound inside my computer, I cant really explain it. Should I plug the power cable in first? then everything else? Should I first turn of the power supply with the little switch on the back, plug in the cable, then flick the switch on? I'm just wondering what everyone else does.
I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem I have with when I give power to my PC it doesn't boot right until a couple presses of the restart button, then finally it'll boot completely. With normal shutdowns and without actually cutting full power from the PC it boots up fine.
I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem I have with when I give power to my PC it doesn't boot right until a couple presses of the restart button, then finally it'll boot completely. With normal shutdowns and without actually cutting full power from the PC it boots up fine.