Pleeeeze help me with Icewind Dale!


Golden Member
Jun 6, 2001
Ok, i've been stuck at the same place for a looooong time and don't want to use any cheats. Did I mention this is the first rpg i've played since zelda?
Anywayz...i'm stuck at the entrance to the demon girls room at the top right of dragon's eye map 5. The freaking doors outside of her room have traps that shoot me with poison darts. I have nothing to cure poison.

My thief will stand directly in front of the trap(and even get hit by it) and still does not find anything.

I've been trying a technique of waiting in the room through the north door of the room, right before her room. Send in one person and they get hit by the traps and about 9 out of 10 times get poisoned. I get in the dialogue about give me the heartstone gem and she laughes so I run and then she follows with her large crew.

So i "do" get to fight her but it is only about one out of ten times because of the plucking poison arrow/dart shooting traps. It is starting to get old.

If anyone knows of the traps i'm speaking of, are they detectable/disarmable?

The game has been a pleasure up to this part and i have to hold out from punching my monitor from frustration.

Please help!



Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Howdy... I've played through IWD fully 3 times and really enjoyed it. I didn't find the poison traps to be much of a problem, but it is probably because there are a number of ways to overcome it. If you have the "purple" extra healing potions, those will cure the poison as well as hit points. If you have a cleric in your party, he hopefully can memorize a "cure poison" spell. Your Thief ought to be able to go and disarm traps but the ability isn't going to be 100% successful unless the Thief is high level and has a high point count placed in detect/disarm traps ability. Having a well rounded party is important. In IWD, I like to keep my party level down to 3 or 4 members (you level up faster and there is less pc's to micro manage). With a smaller party, some of the members will need to be multiclassed to cover all the "abilities you will need. Thief is a good one to multied with another class. There have been some gamers who "solo'd IWD with one single class character, but its quite a feat to do that. One guy reported soloing IWD with a mage - try that!!!

The spot you are at, Dragons Eye level 5 is the end boss Yxonomie (sp?). That is one of the tougher battles and if you don't have a real fast PC, the frame rate can slow down a lot with all the spell effects and baddies going on. It helps to pause frequently to issue commands. Like the BG series, concentrate on taking out the Boss mostly. I've heard that battle is substantially harder if you play it with Heart of Winter (expansion) installed. HOW adds a new plot/quest to the game (fairly short) and it modifys the regular IWD game to make some of the battles harder. eg, enemies can "call for help" through the Fog of War so you can't lure one at a time out of the fog and kill them that way, rather you can get inundated with a mob in some levels. There are some extra higher level bad guys in some of the battles too. You also get 800x600 resolution similar to BG2, more spells and weapons, gem bags, bag of holding, scroll and spell cases to help increase your carrying ability.