Please post your drive's DVD Decrypter rip times!


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2007
I recently took advantage of Newegg's $29.99 price on a new LG 18X Dual Layer DVD burner drive. I needed one, since my current drive doesn't always eject properly, and I was getting annoyed at it. I read that this LG drive was very quiet, and did fast burns.

What I didn't take into account is the fact that I don't actually burn all that often. 90% of the use of my drive is actually archiving my DVD's on to my home network so that I can watch various things at my own pace, without having to worry about either of my two toddlers getting their teeth on yet another disk. (and without constantly having to eject the various disks)

Anyway, I had a 3 and a half year old BenQ 4X DVD burner in there. I did a little test using DVD Decrypter and RipItForMe, and was able to rip the entire 3 hours of TV in 17 minutes on the old drive. Then I shut down the PC, swapped in the new LG drive (manufactured December 2006, no less), and did the same thing again.

I was expecting it to finish in 10 to 13 minutes or so. I figured that over 3 and a half years, the drives must have had some improvement, or people would just be sticking with their old drives. Guess what? The new drive, though it may BURN a whole lot faster than my old 4X drive, took a whopping 19 minutes to rip the same DVD. Yes, it was over 2 minutes slower.

Not such a big deal, but definitely not the improvement I was looking for. I am thinking of sending it back for a refund.

However, without any idea on what a good time for a DVD rip is these days, I wouldn't be able to make an educated choice on selecting another model.

So, without further ado, I'd like to request that anyone out there with a recent DVD burner (say, made in the last couple of years) please do a little test and tell me what your total times to rip the DVD are. Also, please tell the length of the movie you are ripping, since it impacts the ripping time, too.

I'm thinking of writing up a review of the drive, and this would give me some good comparison numbers. I occasionally write reviews of hardware and software for a magazine called "The DataBus".



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2003
My Thinkpad Z60m DVD Drive which is not a writer can only extract the information at 2.5x speed, very slow... takes like 40 minutes.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
It will be hard to compare rip times of different drives since others will have different cpus, ram, os setups, etc.. They would have to rip the same material, on the same media as well to get a good comparison.


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: jackschmittusa
It will be hard to compare rip times of different drives since others will have different cpus, ram, os setups, etc.. They would have to rip the same material, on the same media as well to get a good comparison.


Too many factors. Many drives are riplocked too. :(


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
won't work. there are too many factors cause everybody, besides having a different drive which is what you want us to test, has a different cpu, mobo, ram and hdd. all these things effect the speed. we would also all need the exact same version of DVD Decryptor as well as the same OS and media. although 2 minutes is hardl such a big deal.


Sep 6, 2003
i can rip a xbox 360 game which is 7222MB into a iso in ~9MINS, but not using dvd-decrypter and it is a raw rip - no compression. tell me some other movies and i will do some tests as i have 3 dvd-rws and 2 dvd-roms.