Please Help!!!


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2004
I just installed a cheap pci graphics card to run a second monitor, and I have been trying for the last 5 hours to get it to work. I currently have a GeForce FX 5700 on my AGP slot, and I can actually get them both to work if I change my BIOS settings to run the PCI as the primary and the AGP as the secondary. This would be fine if I could still run programs using my AGP card, but everytime I try, the crappy PCI card is put to use. Ive also tried using a DVI to VGA adapter, but that doesnt work either. Is there a way to do this or am I screwed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks


Oct 1, 2000
if your AGP card has dvi and vga, you already have dual monitor capability with one card. I'd remove the PCI card, and run the second one from the dvi2vga.


Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: madthumbs
if your AGP card has dvi and vga, you already have dual monitor capability with one card. I'd remove the PCI card, and run the second one from the dvi2vga.

agreed... i've actually never heard of someone running both AGP and PCI video simultaneously.


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2004
Yea.. ivem messed with the DVI to VGA attempt plenty... you see when I try that the monitor only diplays an extremely faint image, like it is not getting enough power or something. (Ive messed with all the color settings on the computer and on the monitor so I know its not that) Ive also tried dif monitors using the same dvi connector and nothing works. I even got a second DVI to VGA connector. Only thing I can think of is that my card has a faulty DVI or something... I used to have the card connected to my TV, and lightning hit my house a while ago and now the TV doesnt work so maybe thats it....

But I have been able to get the PCI and AGP cards to work together... but only when the PCI is set as the primary card...