Please help with Skyrim save

Mar 6, 2012
When I switched over to PC, I sold my Xbox copy of Skyrim. Now I'm trying to move the 155hr save to my PC, not for modding, just to play and use the new DLC.

After some conversion with Horizon software, Skyrim reads the save no problem, even if the name is a little funky. Sadly, its not the right version (version 0, this is version 9). Would anyone be so kind as to take my save and load it up on their Xbox, save again, and get it back to me?
Mar 6, 2012
Its actually really really easy, and I don't think it is illegal as long as you're playing on valid copies of the game. You just put your profile and savegame on a usb drive, read that on your pc with a really nice program called Horizon, put it in the save directory with the extension changed to .ess and you're done.

Like I said though, my Xbox version is quite old, nearly a year, and the newer PC version isn't compatible with it. Do you have it for Xbox?

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't think there is a way to clear a save of data which may have version specific things in it. The common thing mentioned on all modding sites for Skyrim is to make sure you make a "clean save" before you apply or remove mods. A "clean save" is one which you are in a default location (like inside a shop), with no quests loaded (or ideally in progress), and no follower.

If your current save isn't like that, I think you are fubar, because you can't run Skyrim on your Xbox360 to fix your savegame.

Edit: I believe someone on Tom's Hardware posted about the exact issue you are mentioning, and the fix was to update both the Xbox360 version and the PC version to the latest versions and then save your game on the Xbox360 as a clean save, which you can then transfer.

So it sounds like you need to either borrow a Xbox360 Skyrim disk from someone, or rent it from a local game rental place.
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Mar 6, 2012
I know what my problem is, and it is an unmodded default savegame coming from the Xbox. I was hoping I could just send the file across to someone who would save it while updated then get it back to me. They can copy the file for all I care, it's pretty far along, level 56 I think.


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2013
I don't have an xbox, so sorry I can't help, but wow, what a smart idea! And there's no reason your skyrim save won't work on version 9; I don't think anyone's save files were ever broken when they installed a patch.

So someone with an xbox: just download his save, load it up, save again, and send it back.