Please help me - video problem


Oct 4, 2000
First of all thanks in advance to anyone who may offer some help.
Here's the problem:

Whenever I try to go into newer games (more on this later) the menu and stuff loads fine. When I actually get into the game though, it immeadiately kicks me back to the desktop. I've updated the drivers (for my Prophet MX) and still no luck. I ran the game in software and that worked, but you all know how unplayable that stuff is.

The game I'm trying to get it to run on is Midtown Madness 2, but the same problem arose when I tried playing the No One Lives Forever demo... YET I can play Half-Life and Quake III perfectly fine in both Opengl and Direct 3d mode.

Anyone have ideas as to what I should do or try to have it work?