please help me overclock my Q9450!


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2006
the last time I really was into overclocking was at the Athlon XP times...

I'd like to get my Q9450 to work at its max 24/7
My computer is based on a MSI P45D3 Platinum (P45 with DDR3)

with a simple FSB increase to 417 I've hit 3335Mhz @ 1.240V all other voltages @auto I feel it could hit even more and maybe at a lower voltage if I manage to adjust the other voltages

after reading the sticky about overclocking I tried for a test to set the vcore to 1.289, with GTL1 0.83xx, GTL2 0.86xx, MCH 1.34 VTT 1.33 the 3335 MHZ remain stable but I couldn't access the desktop with like 3600MhZ or any other setting. I underclocked the Ram, so this can't be he limiting factor.

What voltages do you advice? (reminder it's a 45mn cpu)




Senior member
Mar 3, 2008
The most I ever got stable on my CPU was 3.8Ghz, so you may be looking at the limits of yours. At that point I was running like 1.35v vTT and 1.36vCore, and I can't remember what I did for the GTL values or MCH.

TBH I think 3.2Ghz is the way to go, as the vCore for me is at 1.14v with 1.28v vTT and 1.50v PLL. GTL refs are stock and no BSOD's in months w/ Prime95 stability etc. Idles in the mid 30's Celcius and gives a healthy boost in FPS for many games. Didn't see too much of a boost going up to 3.6-3.8, just felt like I had a bigger E-peen and a lot higher temps.


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2006
The reason I want the highest frequency possible is because I do notice the boost since I'm running mainly distributed computing!


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2008
Wow, you got yourself a nice chip there(alkalinetaupehat)!

I need 1,28 vcore and 1,3 vtt, 0,67 gtl, 1,3v NB for 3,2Ghz. For 3,65 Ghz I need to pump 1,4 for vcore and 1,49v for Nb and the climate changes in this side of the world. I get very nice benchmarks with 3DMark but that's about it. I'm keeping at 3,2 and I'm happy with it.

And you're right. there's no real benefit having it beyond 3,2 Ghz, you'll probably gain another 4-5FPS up to 3,6-3,7.


Jul 11, 2008
set vcore to 1.3
set pll to 1.5
set nb voltage to 1.3 or 1.4
set vtt to 1.35 about
set fsb to 450 (3.6ghz)

fuck around with gtl voltages



Senior member
Mar 3, 2008
Originally posted by: Drivenbyvoltage
Wow, you got yourself a nice chip there(alkalinetaupehat)!

I need 1,28 vcore and 1,3 vtt, 0,67 gtl, 1,3v NB for 3,2Ghz. For 3,65 Ghz I need to pump 1,4 for vcore and 1,49v for Nb and the climate changes in this side of the world. I get very nice benchmarks with 3DMark but that's about it. I'm keeping at 3,2 and I'm happy with it.

And you're right. there's no real benefit having it beyond 3,2 Ghz, you'll probably gain another 4-5FPS up to 3,6-3,7.

Heh, there's proof of the whole YMMV concept right there. OP, unless there isn't a GPU client for your DC application, then Dopekitten has it more or less accurate. I prefer being a bit more methodical, but his post is the gist of what you'd have to do. Or go trade chips with him.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2006
Here is the process I took to bring my 9550 C1 to 3.6GHz with 423 FSB: Q9550 at 3.6.

I can get 435 (3.7 GHz) but have a hard time getting it stable without huge increase in volts so kept it at 3.6.

With your 9450 at 423 x 8 you would get 3.39 GHz so you are about the same as mine, so that is pretty good for that chip!