Please Help - Hard Drive Partitioning...Serious Problems


Jun 20, 2001
Ok, I took the plunge into the Land of Linux. I played around in it, but It just doesnt have enough support for my hardware to warrant keeping it. Here is where the trouble started. When I installed it, I gave it about a 9Gb partition (in the Mandrake Linux 8.0 installer) off of my 40 Gb harddrive. I tried to uninstall it (remove the partition) with a Windows boot disk by running fdisk. It then promps you to add/remove partitions. So I removed (at least I think i did, because linux doesnt load up anymore) the partition, but now in windows, the harddrive is missing the 9 GB!!! It is lost. I dont know what to do. I would try something like Partition Magic to reclaim that space, but I cant afford it right now. How do I get that Old linux partition to be added back to my windows so Windows hads the full 40GB at it's disposal? Please Help, I really do not want to format my harddrive and re-install everything on my computer. Thank You So Much!


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
At this point, your options are:

a) Use FDISK to create a new partition in the space recently vacated by Linux. This will effectively create an additional 'hard drive' in Windows using the remaining 9 GB.

b) Use Partition Magic to extend your current partition to include the extra space.

c) Format and reinstall using the entire drive as one partition.


Jun 20, 2001
So I can actually get my 40Gb hd back with only windows and clean up this mess w/ Partition Magic? I certainly do not want to format and re-install, and I really dont want to have two separate drives using FDISK. Thanks, if Partition Magic will do it, then it's time to save my pennies! Thanks