Please Help!! Comp not working after power out


Senior member
Dec 30, 2003
I had a power out just recently. one comp ok and the other not so

The not so one will boot up and go to the screen that says, windows can not load, and lets me pick if i want last known good config, or safe mode or just start windows. i tried them all, but everytime it just takes me back to that screen.

SO then i try the windows XP cd. i enter setup windows, then i press F8 to aceept agreement, then it looks for previous window and finds one on C. so i repair it. Then it reboots and then instead of going to the screen where it asks me to select "last known config or safe mode or start windows" it just reboots again, it just keeps rebooting and rebooting.

So then i press F8 while it is rebooting to get to advance windows and try to go into safe mode. same deal, constant reboots

So then i go back to my winXp cd and instead of entering set up i press R to go to recovery
i enter fixboot and then y for yes to wrtie new boot sector.
This doesnt work either, just constant reboots.

Anyone else have any idea what to do?

Thx a bunch to whoever replys


Senior member
Dec 9, 2003
I dont know what to do in this case... but before u decide to do a full new installation and loose everything in ur HD... u can do a full installation but when u get to the step that asks u if u want to:
1)Install a fresh copy of windows XP (format C)
2)Delete current windows folder and install a new copy of windows XP (leave the current system intact)
3)...... dont remember

You should pick option 2 and this way all the data and programs installed will still be there... only that some of ur programs might need to be reinstalled in order to function, because some of their registry entries might have been lost.
This is what i did when i messed up once windows xp (installing SP2).... and i thought i lost everything on my computer... but then i found out that i actually didnt loose anything... saved my day.


Senior member
Dec 30, 2003

So you are saying i can reinstall windows without losing all my info? are you really sure of this? i was gonna buy a PCI sata card tomorrow and install it on my old comp and trnsfer my files over and then do a fresh install, but if you are right, it would save me alot of troubles now.


Thx a bunch


Senior member
Dec 30, 2003
i dont see the option to just delete windows and save everything else anywhere?

Is it because i have a OEM version of windows?