please give this jerk a vacation


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
From the Chargers vs. Colts thread in OT....

Originally posted by: Nitemare
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
Originally posted by: Rebasxer
After that performance Dungy should follow in his sons footsteps and hang himself from a ceiling fan...

Nothing make me smile like Unitas laughing from his grave as Peyton chokes in the playoffs

Talk about a low blow :thumbsdown:

yeah that was totally classless, if I were a mod, I'd give him a week to think about it.

If you want to give me a week for my response, fine, I'm not editing it. This is one of the most low-life comments I've ever read on ATOT, not just because it's about my teams' coach. Making jokes about someone whose kid killed himself is low class.

Childishn posts and responses deleted.

Anandtech Senior Moderator.
Red Dawn