It depends on the quality of the work, and the amount of work needed I would think. But yes, in general life is much easier/better for very good looking girls than average or below average ones.
It usually starts while they are still underage but guys treat them differently. They can seal up the housewife gig at any point with someone making good money. They can get jobs from plenty of unscrupulous men who think it helps them have a chance. However it is VERY common for the preferential treatment they receive to go to their head. How can it not? Think of the scene in Blue Valentine when he tells the girl that people laugh at her jokes because she is pretty, not because she is funny.
One thing I have found fascinating over the years is that the ugly ducklings, the late bloomers, tend to be different in that regard. They didn't grow up pretty so they never got comfortable with the preferential treatment from guys. They are more suspicious of a man's intentions and subsequently less high maintenance. They also tend to date much less often. How that would figure into the plastic surgery thing can throw a wrench into the normal hot girl progression that leads to an easier life.