Originally posted by: scornful
Originally posted by: DaPlayaz
I'm a novice when it comes to recievers. If I want a basic surround sound reciever for 5 speakers + a subwoofer, what do I look for? What's the difference between Pro-logic, DTS, or surround? I'm so confused. I can value a company...but I can't figure out how to get a freakin system goin. HELP! Thanks.
Basicly look for a decent power rating first off (AT LEAST 80W/channel on a cheap name brand). Go with a company you like and trust as well as the price. $200 is very cheap, so your name brands are gonna be few and far between but they are out there. Just dont expect it to perform like a B&K or McIntosh (sp?). Prologic and DTS are standards. ProLogic has been out for ages (think VHS.... analog), more of a 4.1 system (rear channels play the same track, hence no directional sound from the rear and the rear channels are typically way under powered by todays standards). With DVD's a newer standard came out AC3 (Dolby Digital), true 5.1 sound. All of the channels receive the same ammount of power with Digital receivers (and receive mid-bass notes as well). Look for DTS.... it basicly replaced the AC3 standard. There are newer standards out there (cant remember what they are though) at the moment but all DVD's have yet to make it to the DTS standard, so for entry level, DTS at least if you want to stay current for the next couple of years. That prolly just confused you.... heh