I'm working on building my first pc and have a few questions. I have planned on using a Asus CUSL2 with PIII 1 gig. I don't plan on having it built until later next month so I can wait for newer hardware to be released. Which brings me to my questions. For a first time builder is it better to go with Intel or AMD? I will be using a Geforce2 card and have heard that Athlons have a few bugs working together with this card, this is just what I have heard. I like the idea of DDR memory and the lower prices of the AMD processors but worry that if there are some bugs that it will make my first build my last. Am I just worried for nothing and a Athlon would be fine for a first build or should I stick with Intel?
And who makes, or is in the process of making a MB for a Athlon 1 gig and up that supports DDR memory and Ultra ATA 100 HD? And are Athlons as easy to overclock as a Intel with a CUSL2? Thanks.
And who makes, or is in the process of making a MB for a Athlon 1 gig and up that supports DDR memory and Ultra ATA 100 HD? And are Athlons as easy to overclock as a Intel with a CUSL2? Thanks.