Originally posted by: gunblade
How do you feel when you step on the Great Wall?
I heard ppl said it is a hell of a sight and feeling to behold.
ive been there. and let me tell you, there's no way you can understand how it feels until you've actually climbed it and looked from the top at the rolling mountain sides. its an absolute beauty. very breathtaking, especially when you think about it back in its prime.
the forbidden city is also beautiful. its HUGE. i dont remember exactly anymore, but i think there was exactly 999 rooms (buildings)?
essentially everything in china is huge. forbidden palace, great wall, summer palace, stone forest, population, cities, shanghai, hotels, and especially skyscrapers. you feel extremely small there. but yea, that great wall...awesome. tontod, it looks liek you had an awesome time, especially with such great weather (looks nice from the photos). if you go earlier in the fall, the mountains near the great wall are marvelous, a whole array of blazing colors.