SW40VE-new box w/ 2 14 round mags
Orig price $359.99
Sale Price $329.99
-$20 Inst REB
-$30 Inst REB (some nice looking older lady gave it to me while waiting in line)
-$50 mail in REB
$229.99 total =D
I mean, I would have had a hard time stomaching paying full price for this thing because it is essentially a cheaper version of the glock but for the $ getting something in .40 S&W this is a freaking steal!
=So there was this old guy in the line who was on a electric wheel chair who weighed a cool 440 at +60, he kept complaigning out loud about how his wife left him and stole his retirement and all of his guns, so he said he was coming in store to buy the guns at the checkout counter to go shoot her.
After the 5th time he said it and after the 5th time he called all women $#%%'es, the lady at the counter told him to f' off and leave. He was like "Dude wtf is was a joke" but the manager came over and had to get an escort to wheel this man out. Then some guy in the line mouthed off to him and I swear to god I was going to see old men jump the table, load up and start shooting each other. There is no waiting period on hand guns here so pretty much they had to cover their asses when 50 plus people hear this guy is going to go murder someone, you can't sell him a weapon.
I'm not sure I want to be part of this crowd, but too late lol
Orig price $359.99
Sale Price $329.99
-$20 Inst REB
-$30 Inst REB (some nice looking older lady gave it to me while waiting in line)
-$50 mail in REB
$229.99 total =D
I mean, I would have had a hard time stomaching paying full price for this thing because it is essentially a cheaper version of the glock but for the $ getting something in .40 S&W this is a freaking steal!
=So there was this old guy in the line who was on a electric wheel chair who weighed a cool 440 at +60, he kept complaigning out loud about how his wife left him and stole his retirement and all of his guns, so he said he was coming in store to buy the guns at the checkout counter to go shoot her.
After the 5th time he said it and after the 5th time he called all women $#%%'es, the lady at the counter told him to f' off and leave. He was like "Dude wtf is was a joke" but the manager came over and had to get an escort to wheel this man out. Then some guy in the line mouthed off to him and I swear to god I was going to see old men jump the table, load up and start shooting each other. There is no waiting period on hand guns here so pretty much they had to cover their asses when 50 plus people hear this guy is going to go murder someone, you can't sell him a weapon.
I'm not sure I want to be part of this crowd, but too late lol