Heh, it's not hacked, whacked, jacked, cheated, chopped, mopped or riced

confused: )
I'm playing the LOD expansion pack. Guess what? I've been playing Single Player for a whole two weeks. (oooh....ahhhhhhhh!)
The only cool thing I've found out (b/c you guys told me) is about the Horadric Cube and how you make better gems out of three of the crappy ones.
This is how I relax...I've no desire to be the next big thing out on Teh Intarweb "Dungeon PigPoker Server East" or anythging like that.
I just enjoy it, that's all.
Oh, and I appreciate the hints and offers to hook me up out on the Web. I'll only have connectivity for gaming purposes for another day or two, so I don't want to get hooked on a drug that I won't be able to purchase anymore!
I'll have email/surfing access, but no "gaming and other interests" access. I.E. only from work.