photography expert needed... newb question


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2000
i am taking pictures of clothing to sell online and i have a problem with picture quality.

my setup:
6 home made light boxes made of foam board. covers are made of white sheets.
backdrop is a a large white sheet.
i am using compact flourescent bulbs 42 watts.. lumens are 2800 bulb link

neutral color items come out great. background is white and the item is true in color.

however, when i take pictures of certain items (black, yellow, white, bright colors) the picture quality seriously degrades.

the camera seems to adjust itself and the pics come out dark, untrue in color, etc.

i thought it might be too dark so i added more light.. however, the camera adjusts and the pics come out dark..

i am positioning the lights at a 45 degree angle and give them ample time to warm up.

please help.. any insight would be great!



Platinum Member
May 24, 2001
be sure to shoot in manual mode if your camera has it. decrease the shutter speed a bit.
if you dont have manual mode, there should at least be an option to set the EV +/- comp. set it a few stops to the right to increase exposure time.


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: jiwq
be sure to shoot in manual mode if your camera has it. decrease the shutter speed a bit.
if you dont have manual mode, there should at least be an option to set the EV +/- comp. set it a few stops to the right to increase exposure time.

when you say right? do you mean (+)?

i dont know what the "EV" did.does.. so after fidgeting around with it.. it seems like if i make it more (-).. the pics come out darker.. when i make it more (+) it comes out brighter
