Philosophical question

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Dec 15, 2015
You have been a good, law-abiding citizen your whole life. You find yourself in a situation where your ex spouse is in a 'life or death' scenario and you could save them but you don't so they die. Do you forever forfeit your claim to be a 'good person'? Does that one action negate your whole life?

Side question: Is there a law that says you have to act in such a situation? If so, what is the rationale for compelling someone to act?

The world isn't so black and white, a single decision doesn't make you a good or a bad person (though we do exalt and vilify people based off a single incident, often). Having said that, some people, possibly even you in this scenario may find it immoral, but even morality is subjective so it's really a wash.

In the end, we cannot control everything, and we should definitely not judge ourselves or others based on single incidences what could have been done but wasn't, or what was done but shouldn't have. Now, long-term? That may indicate whether someone is 'good' or 'bad' by whatever measuring stick we choose to use.