Philips DVP642 player, Greenish tint in some movies


Senior member
Aug 27, 2000
Hi all,

I have the famous (or infamous) Philips DVP642 DVD player that plays divx, and I noticed recently that on some divx movies there is a strong greenish tint in the movie picture. It's especially pronounced in dark area and settings. Has anyone else experienced similar problem and is there a fix for it?

Also, there are faint vertical scan lines on some divx movies. Is this normal or is there a fix?

The player came with the 0561 firmware (I bought it from Wal-Mart last August). I know there's a new firmware out, but I've read mixed reviews about it. Is it the solution to the two problems listed above?

thanks in advance~


Golden Member
Nov 2, 1999
Hmmmm.....the only thing that I noticed was that I had a greenish tint after I installed it. Then I figured out that I had to go select "component output" and that fixed my problem. I doubt you have that issue, but I'll put it here just in case.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2000
I tried just using the composite input, and then S-video, still no luck. I tried the trick of going progressive then waiting 15 secs to let it reset back - this fixes some movies where it plays corrupted, but doesn't help with the green tint.

My TV doesn't have component in, so I can't test that.