For the year 2001 I have made a promise to myself:
I'm going to try and do everything in my power to assimilate at least one computer every week. Every week I'll start a new count. So any surplus in a given week is not going to count for the week thereafter.
Also I'm going to put some penalty on myself if I can not assimilate in a given week:
If a week is closed without an assimilation I'll have to do three assimilations in the next week (the first 'promised' one and two as penalty), except vacation periods.
I'm going to keep a score for the whole of Team Anandtech.
Are there any other people who want to join in this quest for more power?
Anyone who feels he's up to this challenge? (No, not you Dennilfloss )
Week 1:
Added: PII-450 for 24/5
Added: AMD K6-450 for 8/5
Penalties: 0
For the year 2001 I have made a promise to myself:
I'm going to try and do everything in my power to assimilate at least one computer every week. Every week I'll start a new count. So any surplus in a given week is not going to count for the week thereafter.
Also I'm going to put some penalty on myself if I can not assimilate in a given week:
If a week is closed without an assimilation I'll have to do three assimilations in the next week (the first 'promised' one and two as penalty), except vacation periods.
I'm going to keep a score for the whole of Team Anandtech.
Are there any other people who want to join in this quest for more power?
Anyone who feels he's up to this challenge? (No, not you Dennilfloss )
Week 1:
Added: PII-450 for 24/5
Added: AMD K6-450 for 8/5
Penalties: 0