The U.S. vetoes of these U.N. resolutions always leave me wondering, what if?
1978 Urges the permanent members (USA, USSR, UK, France, China) to insure United Nations decisions on the maintenance of international peace and security.
1980 Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
1980 Calls for the cessation of all nuclear test explosions
1981 Affirms the right of every state to choose its economic and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.
1981 Calls for the cessation of all test explosions of nuclear weapons.
1981 Calls for action in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament.
1981 Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological weapons.
1982 Nuclear test bans and negotiations and nuclear free outer space. 3 resolutions.
1982 Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.
1982 Protects against products harmful to health and the environment .
1982 Development of the energy resources of developing countries.
1985 Resolutions about cooperation, human rights, trade and development. 3 resolutions.
1986 Resolutions about cooperation, security, human rights, trade, media bias, the environment and development.
8 resolutions.
1987 Measures to prevent international terrorism, study the underlying political and economic causes of terrorism, convene a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of people from national liberation.
1987 Opposition to the development of new weapons of mass destruction.
1987 Opposition to nuclear testing. 2 resolutions.
30 Years Of U.S. UN Vetoes.