People with HP comps look here


Senior member
Dec 19, 2005
I was trying to get the Catsalyst control center back but I stumled on something of interest.
I had Suse 10.0 installed and had windows 1 and 2. Today I decided to reformat and chose 1(the recovery partion) to my disbelief it loaded MS WinXP MCE 2005 plain and bare.

EDIT: I know I posted a blank message Sorry. Wondering if any other HP owners have this happen. And no CCC doesn't work still.

And when I say plain and bare I mean nothing was installed, Even IE didn't work. Had do dl drivers for everything.

I never could burn the recovery disc so HP sent me free ones. I'm not sure its becuase of GRUB or just luck that I got a clean install.


Senior member
Jan 27, 2006
That is wierd...

Its possible the CDs they sent you had plain a bare install so it would work with a broader range of models? I doubt a glitch could give you a clean install and not break crap.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2005
If I use the 2 DVD's or hold F10 during boot (the restore option) I have a 10 hour loading / uninstall session. With grub I boot to the Fat32 Part and select Install XP, I did need to get on my knees to read the CD-Key off the sticker but its a clean install.

Edit: spelling.