Pentium 133. 4 Memory chips are they any good?


Senior member
Mar 31, 2003
I have Pentium 133 that i opened yesterday it has four mem chips two of them says 2x32 EDO and two of them says 8 MB(on a postit note pasted on it).

How much memory do i have.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2003
Dude, why would you want that ancient stuff?


Senior member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: AtomicDude512
Dude, why would you want that ancient stuff?

I just wanted to check if i can use anything from it before i throw it out.

Can i make use of anything from this ancient PC or should i just throw it out?


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2000
I took my P166 with 80Mb ram and put it on my network as a server. I threw in a 40GB HD, and it is a Network Drive for all the computers on my home network. It runs Win2k and is rock stable.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
A P133 is good for a DOS / retro gaming system to play things ike X-Com, Duke Nukem, Civ II, Mechwarrior II, etc and old Glide 3D games if a voodoo 1 or 2 is added. Instead of throwing it out why not list it for free or for $5 (local pickup) in the FS/FT forum (be sure to enable profile and PMs it's the rules for FS/FT). You could make a retro gamer happy and keep it out of a landfill.


Senior member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Viper0329
I took my P166 with 80Mb ram and put it on my network as a server. I threw in a 40GB HD, and it is a Network Drive for all the computers on my home network. It runs Win2k and is rock stable.

Question :
Since it is only working as a network drive wouldn't it be better to attach a 40GB hard drive to any computer at home and make it accessible to all the computers rather than keeping this old CPU and making all the network connections.

What are the advantages of doing so?
I may do the same as you did if it appeals to me.


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Originally posted by: Goopster
Originally posted by: Viper0329
I took my P166 with 80Mb ram and put it on my network as a server. I threw in a 40GB HD, and it is a Network Drive for all the computers on my home network. It runs Win2k and is rock stable.

Question :
Since it is only working as a network drive wouldn't it be better to attach a 40GB hard drive to any computer at home and make it accessible to all the computers rather than keeping this old CPU and making all the network connections.

What are the advantages of doing so?
I may do the same as you did if it appeals to me.

It gives you a central location to get files, and it can be left on all the time, and does not require that the other PCs where you may store it are on as well. You could also use it to share your internet to the other computers on the network, which will mean that if another computer is rebooting, the internet does not go down for everyone else!

That's what I do, although my server is an XP1800+!!



Oct 10, 2000
I finally stopped saving all that old stuff.

You could make a net surfing computer out of it and give it to a relitive or friend that doesn't have one....


Senior member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Confused
Originally posted by: Goopster
Originally posted by: Viper0329

It gives you a central location to get files, and it can be left on all the time, and does not require that the other PCs where you may store it are on as well. You could also use it to share your internet to the other computers on the network, which will mean that if another computer is rebooting, the internet does not go down for everyone else!

That's what I do, although my server is an XP1800+!!
So if i load Win 98 or something in it and open the share access of the drive for everyone to see it than this would be my server right.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Goopster
Originally posted by: Confused
Originally posted by: Goopster
Originally posted by: Viper0329

It gives you a central location to get files, and it can be left on all the time, and does not require that the other PCs where you may store it are on as well. You could also use it to share your internet to the other computers on the network, which will mean that if another computer is rebooting, the internet does not go down for everyone else!

That's what I do, although my server is an XP1800+!!
So if i load Win 98 or something in it and open the share access of the drive for everyone to see it than this would be my server right.

Yes. Just give full share access to the drive, and plug it into the network. I, for instance, map a folder called Network Drive to all the computers as Drive "L:". So, all of the computers (3 not counting the server), have an L: drive to store any files.

I also have it automatically backup things such as My Documents folders on all the computers onto its hard drive.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
ugh, leaving an old computer on just to share files is a massive waste of power. poor use of electricity, i'd rather leave it in cold storage/throw it away/donate it.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2000
I have a old cyrix 233 w/ a 80 gig hd, 512 gig pc133 running winXP pro. I use it as network storage also, but for so much more. I map my My Documents folder on all 4 of my PC's to my server, so that no matter where I am in my house, I can access the same files. No more copying back and forth between workstations' hard drives.

It is a central location for my MP3 collection. No use wasting hard drive space on all my computer storing the same songs. Just map a MP3 folder on each machine. Voila!

I don't like to leave all my workstations on, so I my server on so that KAZAA is always running. I load up a queue to download, and then I check my mapped /Downloads directory from any computer I want. The server is headless, so I log in via remote desktop from any machine. It is so damn convenient

By having all my storage at one central location, I can just have small hd's for my workstations and have everything done over ethernet. Will have to look into gigabit soon, sometimes transfers take too long. Especially for 700MB divx movies.

Print server. 'nough said.

Web server. 'nough said.

FTP server. 'nough said.

All done with a computer I threw together from misc parts. Don't know what I would do without it.

Thinking of upgaadeing one of my rigs, so my server will become a Thunderbird 1.4 w/ .5 gig ram. Might then use it as a game server