Technically, they are obtaining information that would otherwise be accessible only through warrent... and they think this is probable grounds for arrest... how can they legitimately use that in court?
Sounds... like.... fun...
The $137 billion Pentagon data mining project is capable of compiling what you may have thought was private information: bank accounts, health records, your address and home phone number.
Sen. Russ Feingold says the government's gone too far: "This unchecked system is a dangerous step that I think threatens some of the very freedoms that we are fighting to preserve in our fight against terrorism."- (DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Feingold says these "virtual bloodhounds" are unfair because they look up and compare information on anyone, not just suspected terrorists. "Data mining looks for relations between things and people without any regard for any particularized suspicion about the person."
Technically, they are obtaining information that would otherwise be accessible only through warrent... and they think this is probable grounds for arrest... how can they legitimately use that in court?
Sounds... like.... fun...