Question PCIe x16 2.0 slot saturation


Junior Member
Dec 23, 2021
There are extraordinary benefits to receiving ghế máy mát xa toàn thân. It should be a part of everyday health and well-being. It certainly should not be viewed as always for a pampered lifestyle. It is really just a basic as brushing your teeth. Massage chair Akina Sport is a natural way to improve your health, well-being and mental outlook.

What better way to relieve stress than with a massage chair Akina Sport
Stress can cause many negative effects on the body. Your body reacts to stress by being prepared to take action. However, most stress encountered in modern times is psychological. No release is given to the build up of stress in the body. Massage is an excellent way to relieve stress in your body. Bodywork works at two different levels to relieve stress. First it helps to take your mind off of the issues causing the stress. The second is to relieve the build up of tension and stiffness in the body. Massage uses many different movements to help stretch, rub, knead and pull on your muscles and soft tissue areas. This type of movement helps to release the build up of toxins in the cells. It also helps to improve the elasticity of the soft tissues. This helps increase your flexibility and reduce the incidence of injury.
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Massage chair is the manipulation of the soft tissues and muscles of the body. A variety of techniques are used to apply pressure, to hold and to squeeze different areas of the body. This helps to relieve the tension, reduce stiffness and to improve your flexibility. Many people are challenged to get daily bodywork therapy. Daily massage chair is important to really attain the benefits of massage. You cannot expect to exercise wants and have sustained benefits to your body. Bodywork is no different than exercise. It must be performed on a regular basis.

Getting frequent massage treatments is perhaps the biggest obstacle to getting regular bodywork. Most people do not have enough time to spend an hour every day at the spa getting a treatment. However, technology has provided an alternative solution, the massage chair. Massage chairs are a convenient way to receive regular bodywork treatment. They perform full body therapy in a fraction of the time of regular massage treatments. Massage chairs use various systems to apply bodywork simultaneously to many different parts of the body.
Massage chairs are able to save you time and still give you a full body treatments. They are able to work in parallel where as a massaging therapist can only work sequentially. A massage therapist therefore needs much more time in order to deliver the same bodywork treatment. Massaging chairs are programmed with many different types of movements and techniques. You can choose from shiatsu, acupressure, deep tissue, reflexology or Swedish. These different techniques provide a wide variety of coverage and benefits.

Massage chair has been used for centuries to provide health, well-being and relaxation. You can now get daily bodywork treatments in the comfort and convenience of your own home with a massage chair. This is a great way to relax and reduce your level of stress. See how a massage chair can help massage you to better health. Get the ongoing benefits of regular massage treatments with Massage Chairs. They are the practical way to get daily massage treatments. Think of the convenience of having your own whenever you need it. No appointments, no tips and they never get tired. This is the best way to get the long term health benefits of massage therapy. Massage chairs at Akina Sport have never been more practical and easy to use.
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2012
Checked date. No, 2021 it still is. Is there a crack in the Bermuda triangle? "Modern", and you mention a GTX480 and reference an article about HD5870 PCIe scaling? An 11 and a 12 year old GPU?

Anyway, this should answer your question:

If you're running a RTX3080 in a slot limited to PCIe 2.0 x16, you loose about 4% performance. Nothing to worry about. But you might need to look at your platform as a whole if you're limited to PCIe 2.0. Because there will be other bottlenecks.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
Probably just a post to set up an account for something later on. I wouldn't be surprised if it just grabbed a question from some ancient post that was relevant in its time, but it's frankly odd.

Even if someone were dealing with really old hardware and this is fully above board, PCIe bandwidth has never been a significant limiting factor for the cards that existed alongside of it. Frankly it hasn't even been close, but it wouldn't make much sense to overbuild available bandwidth anyways.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Depends on the game and resolution I suppose. An OCed Westmere in an X58 board could still do quite well with a 3080 in some games I suppose, that is if the board can support the card. There are some compatibility issues with older boards, especially those without UEFI, and some newer GPUs.