PCI Express/AMD A64 Boards?


Sep 11, 2003
Any ETA on when we might see these? I noted AT's preview of the CK8-04 today (Nforce 4, as it's been mis-knicknamed), and it looks like exactly what I want - an AMD Athlon64 chipet with not one, but dual PEG slots.

My planned upgrade, to occur sometime this fall calls for moving up to an AMD Athlon 64 (3400+ to 3700+ depending on prices at time of upgrade) system with a gigabyte of PC-3200.

The video was the real hitch - I really wanted to go with an Nvidia GeForce 6600GT this time around for two reasons:

1) They roughly equal the performance of a Radeon 9800XT/GeForce 5950 Ultra for $200, and

2) They are SLI capable meaning down the road I can pop another in (provided CK8-04 does indeed have dual PEGs), and basically have the equivalent of a 6800GT if needed.

However, I am open to other options. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea when we might realistically see PCI Express capable Athlon 64 motherboards - they're kind of the lynchpin for my plan...


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2002
definitely expect to see boards on the shelves before Q3 is out

Let's hope Kristopher is right!

His VIA article stated that they(VIA) would not have boards at market until Q4, so NV may beat them by a few weeks.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
well you woulndt buy a 3400 or a 3700. those are socket 754 and its unlikely that PCI-e will go to those. you will be buying either a 3500 939, a 3800, or fx___ all of those are socket 939 which supposedly will get the PCI-e


Sep 11, 2003
Originally posted by: DEMO24
well you woulndt buy a 3400 or a 3700. those are socket 754 and its unlikely that PCI-e will go to those. you will be buying either a 3500 939, a 3800, or fx___ all of those are socket 939 which supposedly will get the PCI-e

I'm sure Nvidia knows better than to limit itself. There will be socket 754 PCI-E before too long. 939 will probably get it first, but 754 will definitely get PCIE in short order. It's too big of a market to ignore.