PC66 RAM and a Duron 650 KT133 Mobo?


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2000
Will my old PC66 RAM work with the KT133 chipset. I have seen some spec's for the Aopen AK73pro and there is no 66Mhz FSB. I suppose there is no point seeing there are no socket A CPU's that use it!! Maybe a seemingly stupid question but I have no experience with the latest AMD setups...:eek:


Senior member
May 8, 2000
You SHOULD be able to - I've never tried on the KT133 but you should be able to run FSB -33MHz. The KT133 runs the Duron at 100MHz FSB (as it should), but it offers the option to run RAM at FSB +33MHz, hence being able to use PC133 and reap the benefits. You should also (I know you could with the KX133 [the Slot A chipset]) be able to set the RAM to run at FSB -33MHz. If you can do this it would be in the memory part of the BIOS.
Hope this helps