PC2-6400 Titanium Alpha Dual Channel *EOL (CL 3-4-3-9)


Mar 17, 2001
Hi there,

I need some help.
I'm currently shopping for 2GB of DDR2 memory for a new rig (based on Intel Core 2 Duo) and stumbled across some PC2-6400 Titanium Alpha Dual Channel *EOL (CL 3-4-3-9) "leftovers" at a good price. I call them that because they seem to have been discountinued before even hitting the market (Announced June 22nd 2006).

Has anybody heard good things about them?

Anyways, I can get them at the same price as all of these 2GB kits which also seem to have good reviews/followings:
a pair of Team Xtreem PC2-6400 DDR2-800 (Micron memory @ CL 4-4-4-10), PC2-6400 Special Ops Edition Urban Elite (CL 4-4-3-15) OR my last resort: PC2-8000 Platium XTC (CL 5-5-5-15)

I need your opinions!

Thanks! :)

P.S. I would like to OC the CPU but not to an extreme.


Jun 2, 2006
I'd get the Team Group because you know you'll be getting Micron D9 chips and you can be confident you can OC to reach any other good speed. OCZ is not very popular around here I think because they use a lot of marketing hype and don't use Micron chips a lot I think. N7 is the person to seek on proper ram choices. Only if they still made Crucial 10th anniversary, cheap, awesome, oc's really well!


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
RAM selection in Canada = sh!t :(
I wish we had more here to pick from.

However, it seems you might have scored something big :D

While i cannot assure you of this 100%, everything points to that Titanium Alpa DDR2-800 kit being Micron D9s.

I'd say 96% chance you get Micron D9, likely D9GKX, but even if D9GMH, it's a great deal.

According to someone from HardForum, the Urban Elite DDR2-800 kit is also D9s, but i have no confirmation of this.

Also, while Direct Canada & NCIX are temporarily out of stock on the Team Xtreem DDR2-800 kit, what's wrong with the DDR2-667 kit?

It's pretty much the same RAM, & reaches the same overclocks in the majority of cases.
Certainly should reach 1000 w/o much trouble.

That & TankGuys ships to Canada if you want:

The other option is to check local shops for generic Micron RAM & check the ICs.

Here in Edmonton/Calgary, we have Memory Express, & they stock Micron which just happens to be D9DCN (533), D9GMH (667), & D9GKX (800) :D

But based on your situation, i'd say giving the OCZ Titanium Alpa kit try would be a good option.
That or if you're worried, the Team is always a great choice.

P.S. Wanna hook us up with a link to this elusive OCZ? ;)



Dec 12, 2001
I asked around and as far as anyone can tell this DDR2-800 OCZ Ti Alpha kit uses D9GMH that were binned for the VX2 DDR2-1000 kit but wouldn't do 4-4-4-12 at DDR2-1000 at OCZ's exact specifications. So basically it's a VX2 that wasn't quite up to it and was reprogrammed. I guess it didn't prove to be very popular and was EOLd because they can just put the D9s into their Plat series and anything else is for VX2.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
3-4-3 800 isn't very bad at all (in fact my PC2-8000 Team doesn't even do that with reasonable vdimm anyway), so even if it is binned PC2-8000 stuff, it's likely still rather damn good stuff that should still do way over 1000 5-5-5.

My guess anyway.


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: n7
3-4-3 800 isn't very bad at all (in fact my PC2-8000 Team doesn't even do that with reasonable vdimm anyway), so even if it is binned PC2-8000 stuff, it's likely still rather damn good stuff that should still do way over 1000 5-5-5.

My guess anyway.

I'm not sure what testing OCZ or any manufacturer does for the actual binning so I can't say.

BTW: My Crucial 10th Anniversary will do 3-3-3-8 at DDR2-800 2.3v


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: n7
RAM selection in Canada = sh!t :(
I wish we had more here to pick from.
Yup... not much selection to choose from! :(

Originally posted by: n7
P.S. Wanna hook us up with a link to this elusive OCZ? ;)
Why not, I'm not selfish! :)

It's at Infonec:

Right now, I'm leaning toward the Team Xtreem PC2-5300 (CL 3-3-3-8) kit you mentionned over at DirectCanada.com. It's cheaper and probably as fast.