I am currently having this debate at work with some people (4 all together) right now as I'm typing this thread. 3 of them have been using their Apple for the last 6-8 years and the last 1 had been using both pc and his mac, but the last time he used a pc over a mac was 2 years ago. Now I have told them things have changed since then and even since apple started coming out with their "built to last" computers (desktops/laptops) and I personally believe the pc is and have been always better than apple for overall use *due to apple's limit with certain things* Based on what I have told them regarding why pcs overcome apples, the 4 of them deny my claims and said that they would need solid proof, since the info they're are getting it from are from one person (me) and they would love to hear other opinions (other proof)
So what I'm asking from all of you computer users out there, what is the best computer out there for overall use? PC or Apple? (gaming,movies,video editing,photo rendering,graphics, etc)
If anyone could give me links to site where its been proven that PC overcomes APPLE or vise versa, that will do me much good.
So what I'm asking from all of you computer users out there, what is the best computer out there for overall use? PC or Apple? (gaming,movies,video editing,photo rendering,graphics, etc)
If anyone could give me links to site where its been proven that PC overcomes APPLE or vise versa, that will do me much good.