PC Upgrade suggestion


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2015
hey guys,i'm gonna be upgrading my current rig in a few days and it will be used for gaming mainly.My current setup with an i5 3470 , 6 gigs of ddr3
RAM and a r9 285 runs everything nice but its not future-proof. Specially the CPU is couple of generations old and GPU has only 2 gigs of vram and my CPU,in some games causes bottleneck with games like GTA V,the witcher 3.
So i was thinking of upgrading my cpu and this is where i got confused.
I cant decide between i7 6700k vs i7 4790K vs i5 4690K.
According to the benchmarks in various sites they perform head to head in most games(definitely not in all games) but even the minimum frame rate is close to each other.And "nothing extraordinary" performance of the ddr4 confuses me even more.Although no doubt that the future games will be fully utilizing the potential of DDR4.
So which one should i go for considering the price-performance ratio,future-proof-ness :p.
Also from a different view,do you think i should get a gpu?how about a gtx970?
But I wont be upgrading cpu and gpu both.Any suggestion on topic off topic is welcome.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Your i5 3470 will still create a lot of push for faster video cards, while you will see little to no improvement on your r9 285 with a new CPU. I would eye the gpu first, also are you running your OS/Games on ssd?


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2015
No,I'm on HDD
and Yes,I do notice my cpu and gpu usage while gaming.When playing GTA V , in some areas my cpu usage goes high at 90% while my gpu stays around 50% and frames starts dropping.This is when it occurred to me that my cpu might be bottle necking my gpu.
As you said my cpu should create a lot of push for faster video cards then r9 285.I think its true when you have an nvidia gpu.When you have an AMD gpu i believe it needs a lot of processing power for all the physx calculations that cpu does.So if i get an Nvidia gpu i might not need anything more then an i5,if i stick to amd maybe i need more powerful cpu. But then again how long will it be good for gaming - i'm referring to consistent 60fps gaming?Since the system requirements these days in almost every AAA games mention i7 cpu.
BTW how can a SSD benefit in my case?


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Ssd will give you a world of difference. Make that your next upgrade. Even just a 240gb for OS and your games, and just copy back and forth the games you are actively playing.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
An SSD might help if the problem was content loading. And that could cause one core to appear fully loaded. But it shouldn't appear to load all four.

What's your motherboard? If it happens to be a Z board, those old Sandys and Ivys had "4 bins" (400MHz) overclocking available for non-K CPUs.


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2015
@JeffMD ahh..i see your point.good possibility that it might be a content loading issue.Thanks :)

@Ken g6: No,not a z series board,so no overclocking.didnt know about these overclocking stuff when i was buying the cpu.nobody told me :\