PC Monitor Color/Gamma Correction Site/Utility?

Salacious Sith

Junior Member
Oct 17, 2005
Here's the deal: my 19" CRT monitor doesn't adjust bright enough through the monitor menu (I think this is due to age and possibly lame manufacturer--it's a Princeton). As such, I have to go through my video card settings to make everything brighter and viewable. BUT...gamma correction alone does not help as it tends to wash the color out while brightening to the levels I need it brightened to.

So...my request. Is there a site that can help me adjust my monitor settings (through my video card utility) in regards to proper color, gamma, saturation, etc.? Right now it's functional, but I realize just how ugly it really is when I see my brother's monitor coloring and brightness. I'd like for it to be a lot better, but I can't seem to achieve it on my own.

A site or utility or SOMETHING is highly appreciated. Google's been no help.


Senior member
Dec 8, 2000
Try WiziWyg from HERE.

It works pretty good to create a new color profile and it might squeeze a little more life out of your monitor. The free download is limited to the monitor.