PC Gaming is open, its high powered, its flexible, moddable, malleable, its not "one size fits all," its gaming greatest breeding ground for experimentation and original ideas. Theres no platform that offers the same amount of choice, value, variety and performance as PC gaming.
SourceHigby also mentioned that piracy has been dropping due to games moving online and on new business platforms, enabling developers to actually run a company off of making PC games. Roberts agreed, also mentioning the shift to digital distribution as a positive aspect for developers as it cuts out the middleman and reduces piracy.
Interestingly, they claim that piracy is in decline. I can well believe that, as the games are so big these days, that downloading them is now much more problematic for the majority of the people that pirate games. The latest big AAA games I've noticed are hitting around 25GB and up now, which is a huge file to download on slower VPN protected torrents. Not only does it take a lot more time, but the chances of something going wrong with the download is significantly increased as well. The increased use of 64 bit exes is going to increase file size even further, as developers start to take advantage of the greater memory space to leverage bigger and more complex games.
All of that is counterbalanced against the ease and convenience of using digital distribution platforms like Origin, Steam, Uplay etcetera which have quick download speeds, and have really good sales and free games.. And governments in Western developed nations are uniformly cracking down on piracy..
At any rate, it's good to hear that the PC gaming industry is doing well, especially with the lackluster performance of the overall PC market..