They went to BB and just bought a 17" lcd. I dont really think they looked at specs or they just went with whatever the BB guy said. Should I keep this? Actually I havent read to see if I can take it back, but I hope I am not stuck with it. Like I said its a viewsonic va720 and apparently it doesnt support DVI and I cant seem to find a refresh rate. I like to play games like UT2k4 (will play havent built my new comp yet and this one is too slow) and wolf:et. FPS's mostly, and I know nothing about LCD's. It was a present so I dont really want to have to say take it back it sucks or whatever but I will. The only reason I got it was because its smaller to fit in my dorm. But I am not really sure if I should get an LCD. I am using an AOC Spectrum 7GLR or something like that right now, which I believe is just a cheap ol round 17" crt. Anyway should I keep this LCD, if not should I buy another, if so which for gaming and internet?
Oh and LCD's have a preset resolution deal (sry I forgot what its called), does that mean you cant play games at 1600x1200 (or anything above that preset resolution)?
Oh and LCD's have a preset resolution deal (sry I forgot what its called), does that mean you cant play games at 1600x1200 (or anything above that preset resolution)?