Panasonic P42ST60 vs Sony 32W653 and some stuff


Senior member
Apr 7, 2013
Providing the phone and the tablet would be very useful, which one would you pick? Would you go for the better picture of the plasma or the practicality of a decent quality LED and some stuff that would make you money in the long run?

1. Panasonic Plasma P42ST60

2. Sony 32W653 +
LG Nexus 5 +
ASUS Memo Pad HD 7 tablet.


Nov 20, 2005
I would pick the ST60 if only because TV purchases should last a while and not depreciate as fast as other electronics. If you go with the ST60, even four years from now it might give a picture better than any other TV in its budget range.

If you go with the other option, in four years you will have a mediocre TV and a pile of mobile junk. Especially because none of those mobile devices just released, the clock is already ticking on them.

I mean, if you are a mobile developer that can actually make money off these devices do what you need to do, otherwise the tablet and phone are fast-depreciating toys that are already past their window of peak relevancy.

The bigger issue is FINDING a P42ST60. They aren't made anymore.

If you can find a P42ST60, then buy it immediately and act like Indiana Jones did when he found the Holy Grail. That set is already a collectors edition, so to speak....
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Mar 15, 2007
I would pick the ST60 if only because TV purchases should last a while and not depreciate as fast as other electronics. If you go with the ST60, even four years from now it might give a picture better than any other TV in its budget range.

If you go with the other option, in four years you will have a mediocre TV and a pile of mobile junk. Especially because none of those mobile devices just released, the clock is already ticking on them.

I mean, if you are a mobile developer that can actually make money off these devices do what you need to do, otherwise the tablet and phone are fast-depreciating toys that are already past their window of peak relevancy.

The bigger issue is FINDING a P42ST60. They aren't made anymore.

If you can find a P42ST60, then buy it immediately and act like Indiana Jones did when he found the Holy Grail. That set is already a collectors edition, so to speak....

i hear that in 4 years they will have holgraphic projector sets in 4D! so umm... ;P

plus where do you even buy that tv.. i want to buy a tv also since damn led projector throws rainbows in dark scene movies (bright tv shows video games and xbox360 games are fine tho ;#$*#@)) but the model tv you listed is like 2000$ or more.. i think can get a 70" sharp for 1700 on slickdeals. SIGH