I was kind of curious too. Luckily this lego model is much more affordable. Looking at the regular retail set of the Chiron Lego model which is $350 for 3600 pieces, you're paying just under 10 cents per piece ($0.0972222). The article says it was about a million pieces, so you can be driving around your own home made Chiron for the low price of $97,222.22! The real Chiron retails for $3 million, so that's a hell of a savings. Nevermind the fact that you'll be saving even more on a daily basis by not having to fill it up with premium fuel. You'll also have the more rare of them as well. They're making 500 Chirons total, but as far as I know there's only 1 Lego Chiron. You'd be stupid not to go Lego at this rate.