P4C800-E deluxe on Audio Vs Audigy 1


Junior Member
Sep 9, 2003
Cheap on board audio vs 2 years old card, which one wins ?!?

I was ready to discard the on board audio as crap, for they generally ARE crap, but my Audigy is getting pretty old right now and after seeing what the Nforce2 audio chip is capable of doing i was wondering if there was something to this boards, or this board in specific.

I wouldn't mind to free 2 PCI slots plus the endless tyrand of intrusive and useless software which are mandatory in all Creative cards, apparently...


Senior member
Jun 5, 2002
The onboard sound on this board is pretty good. It is not an Audigy card but unless you do heavy gaming and have really good speakers, you will not hear a difference. Because onboard sound uses the cpu for processing, it will rob you of a few frames/sec in heavy graphical applications like games and such.

Unless you are the most demanding of audio users, the onboard sound will work fine.