P4 Temp Question


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2002
My P4 2.4A runs idle at about 40C and 47C under full load. I use a Volcano 7+ and AS3 and I don't have it overclocked.

Does this seem a bit hot for a P4? I hear people talk about how their overclocked P4's never get their temps in the 40'sC. I have 2 intake/2 exhaust fans in my case. The room I'm in is somewhat warm but not bad.


Junior Member
Mar 29, 2002
i got the same prob, i got a 2.26B that runs at the same temps, not OCed, i got a thermaltake dragon orb HSF using AS3, i have a ASUS P4S533, and it ran at 40C with stock HSF and 49C at full load, so i only got 2 degrees diff on full load, it should be much cooler


Junior Member
Jul 18, 2002
My p4 2.26 with stock heatsink runs 32 idle and 37 load..
currently, at 2.55 (150fsb) it is 36 idle and 41 load..

Using some cheap thermal compund..


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2002
I have a P4 1.6a on an Asus P4T533-C motherboard setup. I am currently overclocking it to 2.2 GHz.

On idle the temperature is reported at 40 celsius. Full load, it climbs up to 50 celsius. I am just using the stock heat sink and cooler.



Junior Member
Jul 9, 2002
Well damn...maybe I have too much AS3 on the processor or something...I've reapplied the stuff several times and I'm still getting the same temps. I guess it could also be the ambient temp. of my office too. Oh hell...

*Opens a beer and stops worrying about it*


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2001
I too have my cpu like at 43 - 48C. I have a P4 1.6A not OCed and I feel that temp is kinda high for a P4. I'm using the stock HS/F.

Mobo: Soyo P4I Fire Dragon


Nov 6, 2001
40c to 47c is completely normal.. full load can go all the way up to 60c... and that's well whithin the limits of the chip. (I think up to 80c is tolerated). My system usually idles at about 38c in a cool room and about 43c in a warm room.

I have a P4 1.6A @ 2.4Ghz w/ 150FSB 1.6V ASUS P4B533


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2001
Wow really? Dang...nice.

Well then, I have a question...

My new system:

P4 1.6ghz
Soyo P4I Fire Dragon
512 mb DDR Crucial (2x256)
GF3 ti200

Everything runs pretty smooth, no real big problems, except for a few times where my computer would reboot randomly. I thought it might have been the temp but I guess 45C is normal. So, would it be the memory?

Earlier, I tried to OC the sucker, but the comp would not boot. I then switch the mem sticks around and it OCed fine. So do you think my memory is the cause of these random reboots? Faulty mem perhaps? Thanks.



Junior Member
Jul 9, 2002
Last night (since I didn't have anything else better to do), I removed my Volcano 7+ and re-applied the AS3 with a much thinner layer than I had before. As a result, my idle temps dropped to 35C-37C. So I guess the thinner layer of AS3 made a significant difference.

Originally posted by: HonkeyDonk
Wow really? Dang...nice.

Well then, I have a question...

My new system:

P4 1.6ghz
Soyo P4I Fire Dragon
512 mb DDR Crucial (2x256)
GF3 ti200

Everything runs pretty smooth, no real big problems, except for a few times where my computer would reboot randomly. I thought it might have been the temp but I guess 45C is normal. So, would it be the memory?

Earlier, I tried to OC the sucker, but the comp would not boot. I then switch the mem sticks around and it OCed fine. So do you think my memory is the cause of these random reboots? Faulty mem perhaps? Thanks.


I was having trouble with random reboots, BSOD's, lockups during Prime95/3DMark, etc..., so I ran Memtest86 and one stick of my Corsair 3200 DDR XMS 512MB was bad. You might want to run Memtest86 on your system to see if you get any errors.

The Wildcard

Platinum Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hmmm, I run around 42C Idle on my P4 1.6A overclocked to 2.1 ghz. But when I run Prime 95, haha, it goes up to 54.50C and stays there. I am using the stock P4 Heatsink and AS3. I had to reapply AS3 to the heatsink and cpu cuz i had to RMA my motherboard. I wonder if that's the problem.....cuz when i touch my heatsink, it's not hot at all, just barely warm.

Maybe i'll try reapplying a thin layer of AS3 to the cpu but I don't really want to go through all that trouble.

Are these temps fine?


Junior Member
Jul 9, 2002
Originally posted by: The_Wildcard
Hmmm, I run around 42C Idle on my P4 1.6A overclocked to 2.1 ghz. But when I run Prime 95, haha, it goes up to 54.50C and stays there. I am using the stock P4 Heatsink and AS3. I had to reapply AS3 to the heatsink and cpu cuz i had to RMA my motherboard. I wonder if that's the problem.....cuz when i touch my heatsink, it's not hot at all, just barely warm.

Maybe i'll try reapplying a thin layer of AS3 to the cpu but I don't really want to go through all that trouble.

Are these temps fine?

Your idle temp seems fine, but IMHO, I would not like to see my load temps with a P4 go over 50C (but that's just me). I know it's a pain in the ass to take off the heatsink and reapply the AS3, but I think it's worth it. The layer I put on last night was pretty much a translucent haze and it's made a pretty big difference so far, and I assume the tems will drop a little bit more as the AS3 sits-in.


Senior member
Jul 18, 2002
The AS3 web site "How To" fpr applying AS3 shows a pretty thick layer on the die or heatsink spreader.

I put a layer similar to the AS3 web site how to pics, and I am getting 40-45 C idle and 45-48 C loaded on my P4 2.0AGhz with a Volcano +.

Can anyone backup PSUGorilla's "Translucent Haze" of AS3 rather than a thicker layer as shown on the AS3 web site?



Diamond Member
May 25, 2001
AS3 is supposed to be used as a "filler" material to eliminate the air gaps that would otherwise occur between the HS and the P4's heat spreader. Silver is of higher thermal conductivity than air itself which is why it is used. However a thick coating will not help in the transfer of heat but probably somewhat hinder it. A thin film-like (more similar to the transulcent haze description than the pics on AS' website) coating is recommended as well as a quick rub of AS3 on the heatsink.