p4 2.8E ghz prescott temp over 50C good?


Junior Member
May 31, 2004
I have a pentium 4 prescott 2.8E ghz and an asus p4c800 e deluxe motherboard.

My cpu goes to 50C majority of the day and my motherboard goes to 40-45C majority of the day.

I was wondering, since i have 2 fans, a power supply fan, and a cpu fan (and heatsink), and since the cpu is prescott, is it okay for it go be that high? I have heard that prescott tends to be hotter then northwood, etc.

Also, i have a fan on my chassis and one on top. the one on top takes out air, and the one in my chassis takes in air. But i have found out that the one on my chasis takes in less air compared to my powersupply and top fan. Do any of yall know how to make it so my chassis fan can take in more air?

Also, i put a lot of thermal gel or whateva on the cpu, i am using a stock heatsink and cpu fan.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
As long as that 50c is not idle...If it is idle then the swing to full load temp will easily be 60-70c....

I don't like the prescotts...I think the penalty of the longer pipeline is further hampered by the penalty in temp....Pure crap cpu IMO....

I would definitely look at airflow is in the case...You may have enough fans but locations of fans can have a greater impact as fans compete and cause turbulent air and therefore can actually inhibit cooling and raise temps....

I would look at installing a side case fan for intake....

The top exhaust fan may be useless depending on the case. IN my case it would be and therefore it would be better to install right on the back above the agp card. just leave to fan vent holes on the top and that will help allow that trapped air between the PSU and upper IDE devices escape...

I am not sure about Asus but I know with the Abit I have is that the mobo temp is not the NB chipset temp...It is actually closer to the power mosfetts and depending on whether I am sucking or blowing can ave a drastic effect on that temperature...


Junior Member
May 31, 2004
well, i have a computer desk, meaning there is a palce for my cpu to be in. I leave the door always open so new air can come in, but it seems like that wont work. I just took it out, and in 2 hours, it has gone down to 42C for the cpu. So, i think i jus tneed to find a place to stick it on the outside...only reason i dont like it on the outside is beucase of the friggin lights. It comes with a temp gauge showing me how hot it is, and it went from 111F to 90F in 1 hour while it was outside. The comp has been on for like 3-4 days now, so maybe i shoudl just let it be off for one night, maybe that could make the temp go back to normal. When it was int he comp desk space where i always have it. it woudl stay like 95F, and no more (this is the case temp, not the cpu temp)...and the cpu temp woudl never pass 50C, but ahh


Well, if i have any more problems after testing this stuff out, then ill make another topic.

Of if u think im doing something wrong or shoudl be doing soemthign else, please give me any suggetions...any is useful