Originally posted by: prvteye2003
what's that last word? hehe
Originally posted by: Monel Funkawitz
StArT UsInG YoUr OptIcaL ReCeptOr BaLLs oR ThE SeArCh FuNcTiOn. http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=38&threadid=1144138
Originally posted by: Monel Funkawitz
Yeah, and there is another thread about the same exact thing two threads down.
Originally posted by: her209
1001011011100 0100101001 0100101010011 1110100 0010101010 000110101 1001 101010 101010101010 1010101010 010101010101010 01010101010100 01010101010 0101001010101010 01010101010 001010010100100100 010010010101010101010101010010101 11111010000100101010000111100101010 1010011
Originally posted by: jntdesign
you're only leet if you can type 70+ words per minute in it
everyone else are either tards who think its cool, or script kiddies who can't figure out how to get linux to work on their 3yr old dell
Originally posted by: lirion
Can you add "Catch terminal diarrhea and expire in a pool of your own feces" to the poll? Thanks.