Own a 1.8" SSD; want to move it to a laptop that takes 2.5"


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2001
I bought an X18-M for my Dell XT2. They run at 3.3V and use micro-SATA connectors. Last weekend I picked up a 15" Macbook Pro. It looks like standard 2.5" drives run at 5V, and they definitely use full-size SATA connectors.

I found one adapter (NewModeUS) that advertises support of 3.3V and 5V, and I sent them an email asking to clarify if it would convert from 5V to 3.3V or if it did a simple passthrough of either voltage. If it's a passthrough, what are my options? I'm pretty sure 5V would fry the drive, but maybe it wouldn't. Has anyone tried?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2001
yah i got one that is super short - they make them super short so they fit in a 2.5" space. the large ones (not specifically super-short) do not have that.

also beware some are just resistors not voltage regulators. you do not want to have a ghetto power source to step down 5v to 3.3v.

google dane-elec they make just what you want. a ton of people bought the 1.8" with 2.5" off newegg. they sell them on ebay.

either way $15 and booya done!

i've used it on a desktop too for a x18-M G2 engineering sample to test. the sata connector is the same, the power connector is notched for 3.3v and obviously closer.