Got a nice big blister coming up now, and it really hurts.
It was perfectly stable though, running at 433 MHz. However, I decided that for my safety I would upgrade my cooling - so I bought a massive 1.1 GHz thunderbird cooler and attached it to my slocket.
Everything went to plan, until I tried to boot up - nothing. Black screen, no beep.
Fiddled about a bit, and found that the heatsink was so big that it was twisting the slocket in the slot. A few bits of paper carefully wedged into the slot retention clips solved the problem and my celeron now nice and cool.
It was perfectly stable though, running at 433 MHz. However, I decided that for my safety I would upgrade my cooling - so I bought a massive 1.1 GHz thunderbird cooler and attached it to my slocket.
Everything went to plan, until I tried to boot up - nothing. Black screen, no beep.
Fiddled about a bit, and found that the heatsink was so big that it was twisting the slocket in the slot. A few bits of paper carefully wedged into the slot retention clips solved the problem and my celeron now nice and cool.