Overprotective Parents/Hollywood Marketing to children

Total Refected Power

Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
Yea, kids today are wimps. Everything has to be explained and coddled. What they need is a dose of healthy discipline. Problem is the parents have no discipline. Raising a generation of spoiled kids who think the world has to be "fair" and perfect. Phooey.

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
Gawd.. the woman has a few valid points (you have to really look though) but goes too far. Elmo too intense, yeah right. This is the kind of situation where the mom will blame society and the neighbor's kids but never her own kid.


Feb 29, 2000
I seriously consider supporting licensing for children when I see this sh|t.

Most American couples are too fu(ked up in either direction to be having children.

Maybe we should create an island for these people. Create it out of the daily garbage output of say, New Jersey. Then we ship all these archconservative bastards off to it, where they can screw each other through sheets and thump their bibles in peace, leaving myself and other stable folk to my pursuits of porno, drug use, computing, deviant sex, and gambling.

Seriously, I've found that a lot of people who've 'loosened up' are better than the conservative morons who oppress us. :|

loup garou

Feb 17, 2000
Tell them what you think. I did. Personally I thought the article was a crock. I don't know how this woman got hired to write crap like that.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
I always love when Helen Lovejoy on the Simpsons screams "Won't somebody Pleeezze think of the children!!" cracks me up everytime.
The biggest problem with kids is the parents try to sheild them from all of the ugly things in the world and won't make them accountable when they do screw up. "No, not my precios Johnny" I don't mean with violence or anything just ole fashion facing the music.
There was a case here where a day care was accused of molesting kids basically ruined the daycare workers lives but they were aquited. Turns out when the police did the interviews they used such leading questions they pretty much had all the kids saying the same things.
Then the parents go on and on how my darling wouldn't lie Oh no.
So they get a child psych on and she says kids lie ALL the time for so many different reasons its not even funny. Mostly cause their brains still quite haven't figured out what a lie is yet.
There was a study done in 1970 to a town in the mountains fo BC where TV hadn't gotten there yet cause of geography, since this was a perfect opportunity to do the study blind. Gave the kids of a certain age a questionaire to determine violent tendancies before TV two years later they provided the same test to same age groups and found the kids responded 30% more violently to the same questions. Doesn't mean they are more violent but definately more violently patterned people.



Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Violent material marketed to children is a problem. And parental discipline (or lack of it) and more importantly lack of meaningful communication with their children is also a problem. Kids are given PCs, Camaros, big allowances but are never made to understand their value. Parents are too busy or uninterested in their children. Kids grow up arrogant, undisiplined, and irresponsible. Of course I'm generalizing but matters today are far worse than when I was a young one.