Overheating AMD XP2000 @ Stock Settings


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
my friend had me check out his build from a couple years ago. His PSU blew out (450w generic) and he replaced it with a 300w generic PSU. around the same time he replaced his FX5200 with a 9800Pro. he replaced his old ThermalTake with a new fan with copper heatsink and fan. it's been turning off since then. he took off the case side and has an external fan running to cool the system. with the external fan, it runs at 45 degrees C. without the external fan while playing Madden 2006, the game closed at 58 degrees C and he said it turns off a minute after without the fan so i'm guessing his shut off Temp is at 60.

What should i tell him to do?
He has a fan that's capable of 3600 RPM but it's running at ~2800. is it because of his 300w PSU or is it something else?


Senior member
Aug 19, 2005
2 guesses:

1) the cooler is underrated for the CPU, especially at a reduced fan speed. Tell your friend to test the system with the fan at full speed with the case closed. If it fails, it could be the new heatsink (or the PSU).
2) the PSU is maxed out. 300 watts was the minimum for Athlons (if memory serves), and most generic 300w PSUs are overrated. The external fan may be helping the PSU run stable by cooling it (above 25c most PSUs lose efficiency and stability). In a closed case, with a CPU and vidcard running hot, the ambient air will get hot fast.

Really, it is hard to say 100%. He replaced too much at once to be 100% sure. I'm leaning towards the PSU, get your pal to bump up the HSF speed first to rule that out. He can increase the CPU temperature threshold in the bios to rule that out as well.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
there was no max temp shutoff on the computer. i checked that. it was at the setting where it just goes as hot as it wants so i just set it to 60 or 70 cause it turned off at 60 regardless. how do i adjust fan speed? i couldn't find it in the bios


Senior member
Aug 19, 2005
Originally posted by: alimoalem
there was no max temp shutoff on the computer. i checked that. it was at the setting where it just goes as hot as it wants so i just set it to 60 or 70 cause it turned off at 60 regardless. how do i adjust fan speed? i couldn't find it in the bios

If it is capable of 3600rpm, and it is running at a lower speed, your friend is likely using something to reduce the voltage.


1) bios setting
2) inline resistor
3) rheostat

Is the fan plugged into the motherboard or the PSU?


Dec 20, 2001
Make sure there is not a thick layer of dust between the heatsink and fan on top of it. I was overheating around 60 degrees C and after cleaning the dust off it dropped down to high 30's with my XP 2500+.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: anth0ny
Make sure there is not a thick layer of dust between the heatsink and fan on top of it. I was overheating around 60 degrees C and after cleaning the dust off it dropped down to high 30's with my XP 2500+.

i'll tell him to do that, thanks anthony


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Have him look at the fourth photo on this page. If the heatsink's step is not over the raised part of the CPU socket, then there's one reason. Also, if the TT heatsink came disassembled, not only does he need to orient the heatsink correctly, but the clip as well because the clip is not symmetrical either. The pressure point of the clip is offset, and must be over the CPU core, not the other way around.

Hope that helps, or at least eliminates one possibility. Also yeah, what's he thinking with a generic 300W unit :p