I would go in small increments and start to see when they do appear...Then I would look at how high I can increase just the core and how high I can increase the memory to find the limit of each.....
IE the radeon 8500dv comes in like 215 core/195 mem though rumors have it the core can go to retail levels of radeon 8500 at 280 but memory can't go much past 215....My radeon le comes in 250/250 and I can raise the core to about 280-285 but the ram will not go much past 260. I know retail ATI 8500 cards do better and may be the quality of ram this manufacturer chose. Gainwards, especially the golden samples are made for the ocing and usually have some of the lowest ns memory in that vid cards class...
Once you hit limit you may want to invest in some ramsinks and a better hsf cooler for the gpu. I have noticed Gainward does do a nice job on theer cooling but I have seen ppl mod them and get a little bit more. Ramsinks if not already available may gain you another 5-10 percent in memory speed.