Overclocking screw ups on Windows XP.. HAHAHAHA Unofficial and not confirmed..


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I have a crappy Abit Siluro T200 (MX 200) 32mb graphics card... It's basically a piece of crap that happens to also be a computer part.

Anyway, since I don't give a crap about it, I figured I'd overclock the crap out of it... so I ran coolbits.reg and opened the memory settings and junk. To make a long story short, it screwed up. XP was running in 320 by 241 (yup, 241 not 240 pixels)...

Here's a screenshot for you to laugh at: bmp image

This is a screenshot I took by pressing the 'printscreen' key... No photoshopping or nothing. BTW, I opened Internet Explorer in that mode too... hehe.. it opened to yahoo and only had enough room for one line of text and about 12 characters