Ok so i got to overclocking.
im at 8x450 right now. all voltages stock, except ram (which i didnt touch. i suspect the bios took care of that automatically) which is at 2.1v.
been running 4 orthos simoltaneously for about 2 hours now.
intel thermal analysis tool tells me the 4 cpus are 50-55 degrees (it fluctuates between those values).
and im not done yet!
as soon as i hit the wall, im gonna look into voltage reducing and whatnot. dunno where to begin.
hit 12k 3dmark.
gts 320mb@626/920
o and did i mention im using a puny arctic freezer 7?
link to my pc building thingy:
any tips/hate/spam welcome.
oblivion is so boring its ridiculous lol.
Ok so i got to overclocking.
im at 8x450 right now. all voltages stock, except ram (which i didnt touch. i suspect the bios took care of that automatically) which is at 2.1v.
been running 4 orthos simoltaneously for about 2 hours now.
intel thermal analysis tool tells me the 4 cpus are 50-55 degrees (it fluctuates between those values).
and im not done yet!
as soon as i hit the wall, im gonna look into voltage reducing and whatnot. dunno where to begin.
hit 12k 3dmark.
gts 320mb@626/920
o and did i mention im using a puny arctic freezer 7?
link to my pc building thingy:
any tips/hate/spam welcome.
oblivion is so boring its ridiculous lol.